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Leave it to us!

We'll get you your purrfect houseplant.

Image by Jiawei Zhao

Shipping & Pick-up

Plants for sale on the website can be picked up in-store within 7 days of being purchased. You can even grab them the same day, if the shop's open!


Alternatively, you can choose to have them shipped anywhere in the US. Shipping is $8 for orders of 1 or 2 plants, and $15 for orders of 3 or more. Orders are sent out within 4 business days.

Image by Eduard Delputte

just like the photo!

Tired of ordering plants online and receiving one that's nowhere as cute as the photo? 

No worries here. We send plants that are happy, healthy, and photo-ready. 

Image by Humberto Arellano

useful instructions

None of that nonsense about "medium watering". How about a tablespoon of water per week? We'll give you specific instructions, making it a whole lot easier to know what your new plant needs.

Plant tips and special events!

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Plant Care


What About drainage?

Drainage exists to flush out excess water, but if there's no excess, there's no drainage needed. I water my plants gently: just enough to keep the soil moist. Leave some room for air pockets in the soil, and your plants will thank you!


Can they stay in their containers?

Yes! You can actually cut the roots back when they get too unruly. Then, you can refill the container with fresh soil and your plant can go back in!

Begonia photo 1.JPG

Do they all need light?

Yeah, at least a tiny bit. Don't worry, though! SANSI sells super nice clip-on grow lights for $20 or less. They even have a timer built in, so they turn themselves off every night and turn on every morning.


Grow light bulbs are another good option. They screw into a regular lamp and cost only $6! Place a few plants so the tops of their leaves are a foot or two below the light. They'll be very happy.

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