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Arrived with too much soil, could've gotten root rot.JPG

For a happy plant

Is your plant struggling? Has it stopped growing? Maybe it needs water every five seconds. On the other hand, it could be doing too well, trying to escape its pot! Don't worry, we've got you. Come bring your plant in for a repot!

Don't forget the health check

By checking your plants before bringing them in, you help keep Easy Little Plants safe!

Tiny specks that move when poked

Flying white things

Bugs on the plant itself (not in the soil)

Mushrooms or mushroom-scented soil

Mysterious fuzz on
the plant

Spikes! (We don't work with spikey plants here)

Repot sizes

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

After checking your plant, you can come in at any time during store hours for a repot! We explain the process as we go, so you can learn all about it. The bioactive soil is included, and so is the akadama topping. You can bring your own pot or buy one of our thrifted  jars and cups!

Plant tips and special events!

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Plant Care


What About drainage?

Drainage exists to flush out excess water, but if there's no excess, there's no drainage needed. I water my plants gently: just enough to keep the soil moist. Leave some room for air pockets in the soil, and your plants will thank you!


Can they stay in their containers?

Yes! You can actually cut the roots back when they get too unruly. Then, you can refill the container with fresh soil and your plant can go back in!

Begonia photo 1.JPG

Do they all need light?

Yeah, at least a tiny bit. Don't worry, though! SANSI sells super nice clip-on grow lights for $20 or less. They even have a timer built in, so they turn themselves off every night and turn on every morning.


Grow light bulbs are another good option. They screw into a regular lamp and cost only $6! Place a few plants so the tops of their leaves are a foot or two below the light. They'll be very happy.

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